Monthly Archives: May 2008

Aside: RWN On Influential Republicans

Right Wing News has The 25 Most Influential People On The Right According To Conservative Bloggers. Check it out.

Surrender Monkey Friday: Code Pink Witches!

Surrendie thought it was early May, not the last day of October Code Pink is now resorting to witchcraft to beef up the number of its supporters protesting Berkeley’s controversial Marine Corps Recruiting Center. The women’s anti-war group has told ralliers to come equipped with spells and pointy hats Friday for “Witches, clowns and sirens […]

It’s Not Just About Barry’s Pastor

It has been brought up a few times, mostly as a sidebar, that if Jeremiah Wright held such extremist and reprehensible views (which, BTW, he is entitled to. This is America, and if someone wants to say something and be an a**hole, they have the Right to do that. At least until the Democrats violate […]

Britain Just Wimped Out, Releasing Osama’s Right Hand Man On Bail

Liberals around the world are certainly cheering. They have managed to turn the War on Islamic Terrorism back into a purely legal matter in Britain An extremist Muslim cleric regarded as Osama bin Laden’s “spiritual ambassador in Europe” must be released on bail, a judge ruled yesterday. Abu Qatada, 48, who won his legal fight […]

Illegal Aliens: Raping And Impregnating Americans That Americans Won’t

OK, they are saying “alleged” illegal alien  ST. ANTHONY, Idaho — A suspected illegal immigrant has been charged with raping a 10-year-old girl who later gave birth in eastern Idaho. The girl gave birth less than two weeks ago by caesarian section at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Fremont County Sheriff Ralph C. Davis and […]

RoP Loves Them Thar Bikini’s

Via Michelle through Howie at The Jawa Report, Stuff Muslims Don’t Like A COUNCILLOR today called for more control over advertising posters in “culturally sensitive” areas of Birmingham. Coun Talib Hussain made his plea after a billboard on the corner of Sydenham Road and Golden Hillock Road, in predominantly Muslim Sparkbrook, was defaced. The hoarding, […]

Disgusting Story Of The Day

I usually do not post this much this quick during the day, but, this just disgusts me A Spring Lake woman has been charged with stealing from the dying teenage victim of a street shooting, police said Thursday. Lakesha S. Lilly, 26, of 1306-B King St., was charged Tuesday with felony larceny after shoes and […]

Obama Just Has Too Many Darned Votes!

Seriously, only in Liberal World© Following in the footsteps of other bloggers like Jeralyn Merritt and Armando, I must urge the superdelegates, the media and other creative class left blogs to be aware of something before it is too late. I’ve crunched the numbers, looked them over again and again, then again with a sprinkling […]

Say, How Is “Operation Abandon Iraq” Going?

According to, it’s not going well On Thursday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will force the House to approve $163 billion more of our tax dollars for the occupation of Iraq – nearly $100 billion for 2008 plus nearly $70 billion more for 2009. We are outraged. This Democratic Congress was elected to end the occupation, not […]

HuffPo Commenters Love Drunken Little Slut Jenna’s Wedding!

It’s been a long time since I did a comment excerpt from the Huffington Post, but they have a lovely thread going about Jenna Bush’s upcoming nuptuals, following a HuffPo story that is actually rather well written and nice. But, you know what is going to happen next, right?  Why would anyone care one way […]

Pirate's Cove