Monthly Archives: May 2008

Name The Party Affiliation Game!

Let’s play…….never mind, too easy Rep. Vito J. Fossella (R-N.Y.) was arrested overnight in Alexandria and charged with driving while intoxicated, court records showed today Over at MyDD Being arrested for a DUI isn’t necessarily a political death-knell for an incumbent — but neither is it terribly good news,.. What about when someone is indicted […]

Obama Still Stuck On #6, Now In North Carolina

Barack NMN Obama has take a step back from #7 on the 8 stages of liberal/progressive discussion when they are busted Raleigh, N.C. — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama told WRAL News that he will focus on issues such as gas prices and health-care costs – and not “incendiary comments” made by his pastor – […]

Nuclear Now On The CO2 Hitlist

BBC The case for nuclear power as a low carbon energy source to replace fossil fuels has been challenged in a new report by Australian academics. It suggests greenhouse emissions from the mining of uranium – on which nuclear power relies – are on the rise. Availability of high-grade uranium ore is set to decline […]

Illegal Immigration Today: Give It Up Fo Nebraska A.G.!

This is the kind of story that gives me hope that not all people in positions of power are idiots LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Anne Hobbs was angry. The head of the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission had just learned of a Hispanic couple who said their landlord asked for their driver’s licenses – but didn’t […]

Grey Lady Tells Us Exactly When Obama Figured It Out

Obama seems to be more like a guy who didn’t see the signs that his wife was in the adult movie business for 20 years, despite seeing her having dinner with all sorts of guys every couple weeks Late Monday night, in the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, N.C., Barack Obama’s long, slow fuse burned […]

Pirate's Cove