May 28, 2008 – 9:05 am
Need a little Dean scream every now and then Global warming is already affecting the nation’s forests, water resources, farmland and wildlife and will have serious negative consequences over the next 25 to 50 years, according to a report issued Tuesday by the federal government. The scientific assessment by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, […]
May 28, 2008 – 8:18 am
This would qualify as “talking out of both sides of one’s mouth” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Kay Hagan said Tuesday she supports the idea of county-federal partnerships that put illegal immigrants who commit crimes on the path to deportation. But unlike other candidates for top statewide office, including chief rival Elizabeth Dole, Hagan told a […]
May 28, 2008 – 8:13 am
And will all the crazies who are buying in to this remember to say “woops! We were wrong”? The George W Bush administration plans to launch an air strike against Iran within the next two months, an informed source tells Asia Times Online, echoing other reports that have surfaced in the media in the United […]
May 27, 2008 – 4:34 pm
Can you imagine the media frenzy if it was Bush or McCain that said this? (h/t Sister Toldjah) (CBS News) Obama also spoke about his uncle, who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz. He said the family legend is that, upon returning from war, his uncle spent six months in […]
May 27, 2008 – 8:18 am
You won’t believe where I found this story. The Democratic Underground. And a few of them agree with the conservative opinion that the UN is a worthless piece of garbage Billions of pounds are being wasted in paying industries in developing countries to reduce climate change emissions, according to two analyses of the UN’s carbon […]
May 27, 2008 – 8:12 am
Let the schooling begin (CBS News) Republican John McCain on Monday sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for not having been to Iraq since 2006, and said they should visit the war zone together. “Look at what happened in the last two years since Senator Obama visited and declared the war lost,” the GOP presidential […]
May 27, 2008 – 7:32 am
I find it interesting that none of the major sports news outlets are even touching this story, and it makes me wonder why The baseball uniforms for the Tinley Park Bulldogs look a little different this year. Gone are the names of Major League Baseball teams that accompanied “Bulldogs” on the front of the kids’ […]
May 26, 2008 – 5:08 pm
 Watch the dumbass witht he rocket launcher shoot it and take out his jihadi buds. I think the Koran requires jihadi’s who do this to pony up for virgins. (h/t The Jawa Report)
May 26, 2008 – 10:19 am
We have a 10 on the Liberal Seething Scale going in the Nutroots region of this (via Memeorandum) Gosh, that’s just mean, isn’t it? Or, as Lauren S at the Daily Kosbat puts it This is going to be a brief diary but I think this video clip should be spread around to show how […]
May 26, 2008 – 9:32 am
Wait, didn’t John Kerry just tells us the other day that we weren’t talking to Iran? In short, not talking to Iran has failed. Miserably. And you had all the other left wing lunatics claiming, in their defense of Obama wanting his without pre-condition tea and crumpets talks with the Ahmadenijad, that we are not […]