May 26, 2008 – 9:19 am
From Operation Iraqi Freedom  While Americans enjoy the traditional summer kick-off weekend with vacations, backyard barbecues, pool openings and picnics, the White House Commission on Remembrance is asking them to take a moment on Memorial Day to remember the true meaning of the holiday. The National Moment of Remembrance was created “to provide a time […]
May 25, 2008 – 6:53 pm
Anyone else think this will end up being caused by an illegal alien? The Inner Beltline [in Raleigh, NC] has reopened after an early morning wreck killed three people and injured three others. Police officials said van driver Francisco Martinez entered Interstate 440 the wrong way from Capital Boulevard shortly after 4:30 a.m. Sunday. Martinez was […]
May 25, 2008 – 2:06 pm
Apparently, they do not find Islamic terrorist videos to be hate speech. You know, video’s that call for the destruction of, well, basically anything not to their liking. With violence. They are essentially telling us what they want to, and will, do. But, hey, they apparently have a constitutionalright to do this, as opposed to […]
May 25, 2008 – 10:17 am
 Happy Sunday on this Memorial Day weekend. God Bless all our men and women in uniform who gave their lives to protect our nation. This pinup is by Bill Medcalf, with a wee bit of help.  What is happening out in ye old Blogosphere? Protesting the anti-war protesters. Flopping Aces links the story, but Skye had to […]
May 24, 2008 – 4:26 pm
Everyone seems to have hit on Monsieur Kerry’s Washington Post editorial, which would probably more at home on the Huffington Post or the Daily Kos, and it looks as if he is pulling a #7 on The 8 Stages Of Liberal/Progressive Discussion When They Are Busted: 7. Declare victory! Those dastardly Conservatives have been proven […]
May 24, 2008 – 8:37 am
This would be the very definition of “Unhinged” Â Not One, But Twin Twisters Hit SoCal, But There’s No Global Warming or Climate Change Just ask Bush and the rest of the flat-Earthers. Sandy Sand has already lost the debate with silliness like that Tornadoes in Colorado, but there’s no global warming or climate change. Twin […]
May 24, 2008 – 8:07 am
Transcript: “I’ll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we…the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn’t say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a […]
May 24, 2008 – 7:33 am
I love my Blackjack II, enabling me to find the sob stories of the day before even turning the laptop on (NY Times) In temporary courtrooms at a fairgrounds here, 270 illegal immigrants were sentenced this week to five months in prison for working at a meatpacking plant with false documents. The prosecutions, which ended Friday, signal […]
May 23, 2008 – 3:05 pm
Say, Joe, have you looked at all the retreat and defeat your party has put forth? At Dick Durban comparing our troops to Nazi’s, at Ted Kennedy saying our troops at Abu Ghraid were the same as Saddam’s henchmen, at the way liberal groups, who, yes, vote Democrat, such as Code Pink, abuse our troops […]
May 23, 2008 – 10:02 am
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