May 22, 2008 – 8:18 am
Remember back when one of cBS’s star witnesses to the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina was complaining that the levee’s were bombed, and cBS ignored that? ‘Memba how they joined in on the “President Bush’s FEMA was bad,” but never mentioned Chocolate City Nagin’s and Governor Blanco’s failure to do their jobs? Oh, hell, they […]
May 21, 2008 – 4:23 pm
I wonder how good it is going to feel when businesses up and leave Air pollution regulators in the San Francisco Bay area aren’t waiting for state or federal authorities to do something about global warming. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s board of directors is set to vote on new rules Wednesday that would […]
May 21, 2008 – 9:04 am
Blogs For Victory digests Obama’s rhetoric and finds it lacking.
May 21, 2008 – 8:34 am
NBC will probably just send out Keith Olberamann to tell Duyba to shut up or call our troops terrorists The White House is calling on NBC News to declare whether the network still believes Iraq is mired in a “civil war,†escalating a fight that began when NBC aired an interview with President Bush that […]
May 21, 2008 – 7:55 am
Perhaps they could send Iranian apologist Barack NMN Obama in to negotiate one on one with Ahmadenijad Iran has stymied the latest U.N. attempts to probe allegations that it tried to make nuclear arms, dismissing U.S. and other intelligence purportedly proving such efforts as bogus, diplomats told The Associated Press on Tuesday. (snip) As expected, the […]
May 21, 2008 – 7:43 am
Of course, we all know how those on the left have clammored incessently, irrationaly, hystericaly (did you know there are no synonyms for that word?) and pure seethingly, to close Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention center. Not for any legitimate reasons, mind you, but, simply because they hate George W. Bush. They can rap it up […]
May 21, 2008 – 1:29 am
And it is making the mainstream media more and more (though, of course, the Washington Times does lean more to the right) Thousands of Iraqi troops moved unchallenged into Baghdad’s Sadr City Tuesday to seize the Shiite militia stronghold, in the largest attempt yet by the government to impose control, an Iraqi military spokesman said. […]
May 20, 2008 – 5:27 pm
Heh heh heh When a Muslim man contacted an all-female driving school to book a lesson for his learner wife, Emma Sherdley was not the kind of instructor he was expecting. Although dressed in a skirt, it soon became apparent to the angry husband that his wife’s teacher was not “all woman.” In fact, until […]
May 20, 2008 – 2:32 pm
Should make for a rockin’ party! (h/t Ryan) Fried shrimp on a bed of jasmine rice and a side of mango salad, all served on a styrofoam plate. Bottled water to wash it all down. These trendy catering treats are unlikely to appear on the menu at parties sponsored by the Denver 2008 Host Committee […]
May 20, 2008 – 9:19 am
It’s really humorous when an attempt to validate anthropogenic global warming “theory” actually damages said theory A giant white kangaroo bounced into the science books on Tuesday as part of a global experiment to measure the amount of light the Earth reflects back to the sun. The cardboard cut-out marsupial, which measures 32 metres (105 […]