May 20, 2008 – 8:30 am
How much you want to bet that he has money riding on the downfall of the world economy? Â Billionaire investor George Soros has given his gloomiest assessment of the state of the US and world economies. He told BBC business editor Robert Peston that the “acute phase” of the credit crunch may be over but […]
May 20, 2008 – 8:11 am
Seriously, what is it about elected Republicans that turn them into squishy Democrat apologists and stooges? As soon as a Democrat starts whining and crying (Voinavich usually joins in on that!) and throwing a hissy fit, in other words, acting like a 4 year old, there always seems to be some Republican to side with them and decry […]
May 19, 2008 – 5:58 pm
To kick it off, what about those hurricanes caused by global warming? (via Moonbattery) Global warming isn’t to blame for the recent jump in hurricanes in the Atlantic, concludes a study by a prominent federal scientist whose position has shifted on the subject. Not only that, warmer temperatures will actually reduce the number of hurricanes […]
May 19, 2008 – 8:51 am
Monday! The beginning of the work week. Time to get busy, shift a few paradigms, send some kudos fax-blasts. How ’bout a beer? It must take a lot of beer to forget that Obama said he would run a clean, nice campaign. Or, just be a liberal is enough to forget (LA Times) Taking aim […]
May 19, 2008 – 8:15 am
But, Al doesn’t want hero’s to defeat the cause of radical Islam, oh, no, he wants Climahysteric hero’s Former Vice President Al Gore on Sunday told graduates of Carnegie Mellon University they could become part of the next “hero generation” in American history by solving environmental problems. In a commencement address before a record crowd […]
May 19, 2008 – 7:47 am
Without pre-comment Sexism is alive and well in America. One exit poll I saw had almost twice as many voters having trouble voting for a woman for president than voting for a black man. Now, let’s think about this for a moment: the exit polls would be from……..that’s right, the Democrat primaries! So, the Democrats […]
May 18, 2008 – 4:55 pm
As Neal Boortz calls it, Eurabia (h/t Stop The ACLU) “The Dutch authorities have arrested the cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot (a pseudonym. Nekschot means deathblow, litt: “shot in the back of the neck†[An interview with Nekschot here]). The judicial authorities in Amsterdam said yesterday that the cartoonist was arrested as a suspect for the criminal […]
May 18, 2008 – 11:44 am
The LA Times is going all out in spinning away Barack NMN Obama’s idea to have himself directly talk with leaders of countries that hate us In a speech to the Israeli parliament Thursday, President Bush took a swipe at Barack Obama for his willingness to negotiate with evil regimes. “Some seem to believe that […]
May 18, 2008 – 11:03 am
Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. This pinup is a little later then usual, for a change, I actually slept in till almost 10. Unusual, and I wasn’t even smashed last night! The pinup is by Vaughn Bass, with a bit of help from the Patriotic Eagle. What’s happening in ye olde blogosphere? Obama […]
May 17, 2008 – 6:32 pm
What prompted this? Authorities in France, Germany and the Netherlands on Friday detained at least 10 people suspected of helping to fund al-Qaida-linked militants with roots in Uzbekistan, officials said. Maybe they are getting wise.