May 17, 2008 – 10:33 am
Why is this not bigger news? Also, how the hell did this actually get printed (goes back to my theory that good news from Iraq is printed in the NY Times of Saturdays because the editors are all getting drunk on Friday nights. Apparently, it extends to Reuters) Iraqi forces have detained more than 1,000 […]
May 17, 2008 – 10:19 am
Senator Squisy, AKA, Senator “someone mentioned appeasement so they must have been talking about me,” AKA Barack NMN Obama, is still whining about Bush’s comments, and all sorts of outlets, from the Credentialed Media to the left wing blogs to the Democrat stooges are still having meltdowns. It is front page of most of the […]
May 17, 2008 – 9:28 am
The NY Times breathlessly relates stories of people who say they will give it all up Like many other young couples, Aimee and Jeff Harris spent the first years of their marriage eagerly accumulating stuff: cars, furniture, clothes, appliances and, after a son and a daughter came along, toys, toys, toys. Now they are trying […]
May 16, 2008 – 4:18 pm
Great vacation spot! The U.S. State Department has issued an alert, warning travelers that the “equivalent to military small-unit combat” is taking place across the southern U.S. border in Mexico and that Americans are being kidnapped and murdered there. “Recent Mexican army and police force conflicts with heavily-armed narcotics cartels have escalated to levels equivalent […]
May 16, 2008 – 9:10 am
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May 16, 2008 – 9:06 am
You just know that the Democrats are going to continue whining about what Dubya said yesterday about appeasing terrorists, terrorist leaders, and terrorist countries. Interesting thought, which I have heard expressed by a few pundits: why are the Democrats protesting so much? Could it be because Bush was 100% correct? Sure seems that way. If […]
May 16, 2008 – 8:40 am
Hey, don’t blame me, that is the headline that the San Francisco Chronicle is running for this story We are all going to die. Very, very soon. Did you know? Apparently, the signs are all in place and the plague is clearly nigh and Armageddon is fast upon us because, oh my angry heterosexual god, […]
May 16, 2008 – 8:00 am
And, gee, to liberals dismay, he says 9/11 was about liberating Palestine, not how evil America is (CBS News) Al Qaeda’s media operation has released a new audio message on the Internet from Osama bin Laden, dealing primarily with Israel and the Palestinians on the 60th anniversary of Israel’s creation. The message, downloaded by CBS […]
May 16, 2008 – 1:12 am
Cracked takes a shot at determining the top 6 most gratuitously cleavaged women on TV. Interesting, in more ways then one, but, I could have done without #1. How could they forget about Number 6 on Battlestar Galactica, who spends most of the series cavorting in a low cut red dress, and Elizabeth Mitchell from […]
May 15, 2008 – 5:18 pm
They are fighting mad! President Bush has said repeatedly that he would not insert himself into the presidential race, but that stance changed dramatically today during his trip to Israel. After likening Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Osama bin Laden, Bush compared Barack Obama to Nazi appeasers: “We have heard this foolish delusion before,” Bush […]