May 15, 2008 – 9:45 am
To start off (CNS News) “Although the population of bears has grown from a low of about 12,000 in the late 1960s to approximately 25,000 today, our scientists advise me that computer modeling projects a significant population decline by the year 2050,” Kempthorne said. “This, in my judgment, makes the polar bear a threatened species–one […]
May 15, 2008 – 9:12 am
ABC News The centrist Democratic group instrumental to former President Clinton’s rise to the White House in 1992 has some advice for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.: get to the center, starting with taxes. “In the fall, our nominee will have to do what John Kerry had to do in the 2004 debates, which is turn […]
May 15, 2008 – 9:04 am
This is one of those “well, duuuuuuuh!” posts Immigrants to the United States are doing a good job of assimilating, with immigrants from Cuba, Vietnam, and the Philippines leading the way in adapting to an American way of life, according to a new study. But the one group not assimilating well is Mexicans, apparently because […]
May 14, 2008 – 6:06 pm
I’m not surprised or shocked by this rant at AMERICAblog by John Avorosis. You know I love to post how the party that considers themselves compassionate and smart is anything but Go away you horrible human being You know why Hillary is horrible in his eyes, right? Because she won’t quit, so, she is now […]
May 14, 2008 – 5:23 pm
If Billy Jeff was the first Black president, will Obama be the first Islamist? (National Review Online) Phil Klein calls our attention to an al-Jazeera news report that sounds like a parody, but is genuine: A report on Palestinians in Gaza who are phonebanking in support of Barack Obama’s campaign. Let’s watch As Van Helsing […]
May 14, 2008 – 8:49 am
I hate the phrase “jumped the shark.” It is completely overused, and used for everything. That said, I’d ask if Al Gore has jumped the shark with this one, but, he probably did that long ago (World Net Daily) Al Gore has made the pronouncement: Tens of thousands were killed by a cyclone in Myanmar […]
May 14, 2008 – 8:24 am
Head on over to Stop The ACLU and see his new baby!
May 14, 2008 – 8:15 am
Right Of Mississippi catches the DCCC playing the race card, and the folks who keep telling us the Left is smarter then everyone else get it wrong Southaven Mayor Greg Davis said Thursday he would be willing to display the Jefferson Davis statue, which is in Downtown Memphis, near City Hall at the end of […]
May 13, 2008 – 4:12 pm
Here’s a story you are not going to see in the liberal Credentialed Media. They are too busy telling us that this one Republican and that one Republican is now a Democrat and wants to have Barack’s baby. You know, the same standard story, with a different candidate’s name, that we see every election cycle […]
May 13, 2008 – 8:50 am
Once again the Democrat Party puts group indenty political pandering over their “morals” (NY Times) Some public health experts are questioning why menthol, the most widely used cigarette flavoring and the most popular cigarette choice of African-American smokers, is receiving special protection as Congress tries to regulate tobacco for the first time. The legislation, which would give […]