By now, most know that Obama’s friend Tony Rezko, and guy who was one of Obama’s first political contributors, guy who who was on Obama’s 2003 Senate campaign finance committee, guy who threw fundraisers for Obama, guy who helped Obama purchase his home for $300,000 below value, and guy who received $885K for a project that Obama sponsored, is heading to the pokey for bribery and influence peddling, having been convicted on 16 of 24 charges.
As far as how this may taint Obama, I would want to see some proof before I would say that Obama is a dirty politician (despite coming out of one of the areas of the country known for dirty politicians.) I wouldn’t want to call Obama corrupt like the democrats did to every Republican who had taken any donations even mildly associated with Jack Abramoff.
But, this is politics. What did Obama know and when did he know it!!!!!!!
But, Obama made an interesting statement, which Powerline calls “the most wildly innapropriate statement ever?”
The statement
I’m saddened by today’s verdict. This isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew, but now he has been convicted by a jury on multiple charges that once again shine a spotlight on the need for reform. I encourage the General Assembly to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent these kinds of abuses in the future.
John Hinderaker at Powerline writes
I don’t doubt that Obama is saddened by his mentor’s conviction, but the rest of his statement is from outer space. “This isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew.” Deja vu, anyone? I could swear I’ve heard it somewhere before. Sure enough–the racist, anti-American Rev. Wright whom we’ve all seen on video wasn’t the Rev. Wright whom Obama knew for 20 years, either. And the outrageously bigoted Father Pfleger wasn’t the Pfleger whom Obama assiduously supported with earmarks–another form of political corruption.
Obama seems to suffer from a singular inability to “know” his most intimate associates. One day soon, will a “saddened” Obama tell us that the Michelle Obama we see on video is “not the Michelle Obama I knew?” Time will tell.
It kinda goes along with Obama calling everything he cannot discuss, doesn’t know enough to discuss, or makes him look bad, particularly his character, as a distraction.
Funnily, Talk Left writes
Second, as to Obama, this trial was not about him. There is not a shred of evidence to suggest any connection between him and the illegal activity charged in the case. The Government said so. Obama’s name was barely mentioned at the trial.
Of course not. Rezko was apparently just some guy who worked on Obama’s campaign. We wouldn’t want to make all sorts of hint hint wink wink posts over at Talk Left about the Missiah.

I demand Congressional hearings!
So is this something that we can question Obama about, or is this off limits… like his wife, his ears, his experience, his pastor, and so on….
No, we can’t question the Missiah. It would be a diversion and a distraction ;)
Can gangsta Rezko or Obamessiah co-sign for an OBX beach house for my Death Star II crew? C’mon …. please? Vanna White said “NO!”