Just having way too much fun with this
Yes, I have several more. Stay tuned for this afternoon!
PS:Â Jim at bRight & Early has a great one. Ace of Spades has some more.

Just having way too much fun with this
Yes, I have several more. Stay tuned for this afternoon!
PS:Â Jim at bRight & Early has a great one. Ace of Spades has some more.
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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[…] Graphic courtesy of William Teach […]
Oooh….trackbacked to THIS one, too! Good job, William!
Thanks, Carl.
For whatever reason, Akismet is catching all your stuff, even comments. Rescued.
That has about as much validity as putting a swastika on McCain’s
Awww, once again John Ryan forgot to take his meds. I get 1,2 and 4. But what’s up with the arugula?
Never mind. Went back through your posts. See, I take off for a few days and miss out on important stuff like arugula.
How does a swastika fit in with John McCain, John? Unless you are talking about the original meaning, which was meant to be a good luck charm and had completely positive meanings, prior to your fascist buddies in Germany hijacking it.
Meanwhile, why is it you can never defend Obama, John? Tell me where I am wrong on any of them (well, the finger one might be a stretch, but, meant to be what he really thinks of Americans, from my point of view.)
I have a couple more goodies, too, Stacy. Just can’t post them at them moment.
Teach & Stacy, what about this Obamanation motto that I just made up?
E Poorous Yum Yum?
PS: Ryan…. SWASTIKA? I’m doing the Berlin Waltz now! What would Hitler have done with the Ryans in the Third Reich? “Knock Knock… Whose there? Guess? No!… GESTAPO!!”
Heh heh heh! :)
Obama’s “presidential seal” bites the dust…
The unofficial official seal for the Barack Obama campaign has been show the door:
While we don’t have full details, someone at Obama’s press center, when asked if the seal would be used going forward said simply, “No.” There we…
[…] – William Teach jumped the gun just a bit on the 19th with a Pooh pop-gun. – Matt Lewis broke the news Friday afternoon. – Ace released the hounds (or more-specifically, Slublog). – John McCormack wondered if it was illegal. – William Teach (with not 1, not 2, […]