Let’s check the tale of the tape
Americans divide evenly between Barack Obama and John McCain’s approaches to the war in Iraq, and rate McCain much more highly on his abilities as commander-in-chief — key reasons the unpopular war isn’t working more to Obama’s advantage.
Despite broad, longstanding dissatisfaction with the war, just 50 percent of Americans prefer Obama’s plan to withdraw most U.S. forces within 16 months of taking office. Essentially as many, 49 percent, side with McCain’s position — setting no timetable and letting events dictate when troops are withdrawn.
Personally, I want a timeline, too. BUT, I want it in a manner that the Iraq people and politicians know we are not going to unilaterly say “see ya!” regardless of what is happening on the ground, but lets them know that “yes, we will be leaving the country in your hands soon.”
One reason McCain can push back on Iraq is his advantage as commander-in-chief — a striking one, albeit perhaps not surprising given his military background. Seventy-two percent of Americans — even most Democrats — say he’d be a good commander-in-chief of the military.
By contrast, fewer than half, 48 percent, say Obama would be a good commander-in-chief, a significant weakness on this measure. (McCain’s rating is much improved from his unsuccessful campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000, when 56 percent said he’d be a good commander-in-chief — no more than said so, at the time, about George W. Bush.)
72-48. You have to know that virtually none on the Right stated that Obama would be a good CiC. A good kindergarten assisstant, yes. The perfect guy to take over Joe Wilson’s role as ambassador to Gabon, or, perhaps, dealing with the French. But not the guy to protect the United States of America.