AGW Today: Lettuce Bikini’s, Travel Sites, My View

Good news for those of you in Santa Fe

Wearing nothing but strategically placed lettuce leaves, a pair of PETA’s Lettuce Ladies will hand out free Tofurky brand mock-turkey sandwiches and two free gallons of gas to the first 50 people at a Shell gas station in Santa Fe on Monday. PETA is “doing lunch” at the gas station to let drivers know that the best thing that they can do for the environment is jettison their meat-based diets. Eating meat is a more environmentally harmful habit than driving an SUV.

Date: Monday, July 28
Time: 2 p.m.
Place: 711 Saint Michaels Dr., Santa Fe

Have fun, Santa Fe-ites!

That dream vacation – diving along the Great Barrier Reef, skiing in the Swiss Alps – could remain a dream forever if you don’t get a move on.

The brilliant coral off Australia could be largely gone by 2050, says a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Ski resort operators in Europe’s Alps are buying snowmaking equipment because of shorter snow seasons, says

It could be. Then again, it might not be. The article is all about sites that are endangered by global warming as Man has caused, so, you need to go see them before they are gone. Because they did not survive previous warm periods. Or cool periods. Or the very long ice ages.

It is actually very smart, ca$hing in on the whole AGW issue.

And, to wrap it up today, Khaled Diab hits a major point that I have mentioned time and time again

In fact, I have found the growing fixation on climate change over the past few years worrying, because the entire debate has become sidetracked. What should have become by now a broad debate on the environment and our place in it has actually been reduced to a single issue. The whole environmental debate is being shoehorned through the funnel of global warming.

Exactly. I like the environment. I do not want to see it destroyed. I am all for saving species, clean waters, clean air, saving the rain forest, etc. Let those issues stand on their own, not as subsets of AGW. Let’s do what we can to protect the environment on its own. Let’s combine drilling for oil with a massive project into cleaner, sustainable, and realistic alternative energy sources.

While I do not agree with everything in the article, I do agree with most.

PS: Lettuce bikini

lettuce bikini peta

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5 Responses to “AGW Today: Lettuce Bikini’s, Travel Sites, My View”

  1. Duncan says:

    Ok, I came over to see the Lettuce Bikinisâ„¢, and I found none. Not even at the link you provided. Disappointed. Greatly disappointed… :@

  2. Jim says:

    Couldn’t she have used something like bean sprouts instead? =))

  3. Duncan says:

    Too much lettuce…. 8;)

  4. There is one with Pam Anderson wearing a skimpier lettuce bikini, but, I don’t like here. She has gotten a bit hagged out.

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