July 25, 2008 – 1:42 pm
Will they ever submit to the will of the People who want to drill, which is a majority? Â Washington, Jul 24 – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today criticized Democratic leaders for bringing yet another bill to the House floor that will not produce any new American energy to help lower gas prices. The […]
July 25, 2008 – 9:23 am
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July 25, 2008 – 8:51 am
And well he should  A popular writer is traveling under a false name after he published a fictional book dealing with the Koran and Mohammed. Brad Thor authored the just-released international thriller The Last Patriot (Atria Books, July 2008) — and now he wonders if a fatwa might be issued against his life. “That is […]
July 25, 2008 – 8:42 am
Amazing. Simply amazing. Last time I checked, the Congressional oath of office included something about faithfully discharging the duties of office, which I reckon’ would include upholding federal law Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, blasted the Bush administration Thursday for conducting what Democrats described as harsh and punitive immigration raids, calling special attention to a […]
July 25, 2008 – 8:24 am
Happy Friday! The Surrender Monkey is thrilled with his buddy Barry’s redeploy to Afghanistan talk, because he knows that sooner or later, the kook fringe surrender base will force the Messiah to change and once again call for cut and run. But, in the meantime, Ralph Peters writes about antiwar hypocrites AM I the only […]
July 24, 2008 – 6:40 pm
Did y’all know that Lenin was in Berlin today? Raven catches the 411
July 24, 2008 – 1:27 pm
Quote of the day 4:33 p.m.: The meeting between Obama and Wowereit lasts 20 minutes, during which the Berlin mayor asks the senator about integration strategies in the US. Obama then signs the city’s guestbook, which Wowereit has brought with him to the Hotel Adlon. He writes: “Thank you so much for this open-hearted welcome. […]
July 24, 2008 – 10:16 am
As proven by the Credentialed Media. IBD – Putting Money Where Mouths Are: Media Donations Favor Dems 100-1 The New York Times’ refusal to publish John McCain’s rebuttal to Barack Obama’s Iraq op-ed may be the most glaring example of liberal media bias this journalist has ever seen. But true proof of widespread media bias […]
July 24, 2008 – 9:53 am
Well, we already know that they hate dogs, so, this could drive them into a progressive type rage. The Argus – Muslim anger at sniffer dogs at station Muslims travelling on trains from Brighton have objected to sniffer dogs being used to search them for drugs and bombs. The trial by the British Transport Police […]
July 24, 2008 – 9:21 am
Getting beyond the fawning, almost sexual idolatry in this story of Senator Neophyte Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama arrived in Berlin Thursday morning, kicking off the European leg of his overseas trip amid high expectations. A column of black BMW and Mercedes-Benz cars ferried the candidate to a private meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Overhead, a […]