The thought stream of a DUmmy is interesting. It’s like one of those nature shows when some little mangy skunk is marking a tree
 MrScorpio I hate to say this (but, the DUmmy is going to do it anyhow), but sometimes I feel that this country is too stupid to elect Obama
I’m not going to do it, but I’m tempted to give up on these idiotic fuckers
What makes a person believe that (a.) Bush is a legitimate president, instead of an evil clown in a tailored suit and (b.) McCain is actually capable of being president, instead of being the living embodiment of Abe Simpson?
And those lying bastards protesting in the House… Why won’t anyone just tell them to shut the fuck up?
Revelation after revelation is happening to show that Bush lied us into one illegal war, and is lying us into another one and nobody cares.
Torture, the end of Habeas Corpus, whoring for big oil and big pharma and basically the rape of the economy and folks are just fine with it.
With all of this shit and more like it, it’s almost as if Obama is too good for America.
I said before, that America is suffering from a national case of the Stockholm Syndrome, we better wake the fuck up by November, or else we’ll be royally fucked.
Rant off (yeah, sure, like that’ll happen!)
Can’t you feel the love? The tolerance for opposing viewpoints? The command of MoveOn talking points? The empty vial of Prozac?
And, of course
- Bush Being Allowed to govern for 8 years is proof that we have some stupid ass folk in this country.
- Didya ever see “Idiocracy”? We are definately moving in that direction. (perhaps you should have written it “Did you”)
- I think it should be required viewing for all DU members. (like Mein Kampf?)
- Look at the track record: Bush/Gore should not have been close, Bush/Kerry shouldn’t have been close Now both of those election may have been stolen, but they should have been closed enough for the Katherine Harris’s and the Ken Blackwell’s to manipulate. (just let it go, it will be OK. Breathe in, breathe out. Good. Take your meds)
- Gore, definitely. Kerry, more than likely. But that wasn’t the point. The point was the votes Chimpy got that were NOT directly fraudulent, but were the result of collective brainwashing by the corporate media, and in 11 states, right wing “religious” organizations who made them fear two people of the same gender getting married. (this dude is talking about brainwashing?)
- Yep, this country is about as stupid as it gets.
- Any country who would elect somebody “who it would be nice to have a beer with” …deserves Homer Simpson for President or better yet, Barney. (uh oh!!!!!!!)
- The American people, they’re not worthy of us. This is one those threads that right wingers quote to prove how arrogant we are. (no, just prove what raving wackjobs you are)
Wasn’t that fun!