Say, where is the NC ACLU hiding? Shouldn’t they be out there protecting the rights of North Carolina citizens when it comes to being able to not be bumped from community college in order to pander to illegal aliens? Double shot from the Raleigh News and Observer
North Carolina community colleges will likely return to admitting illegal immigrants while the state board that oversees the colleges studies a permanent policy.
Members of the State Board of Community Colleges, who met this afternoon, said they are not ready to decide whether to allow education for illegal immigrants at the state’s 58 community college campuses. A board committee voted to hire a consultant to further study the issue. The full board is expected to approve hiring the consultant on Friday.
The study would take several months and, in the meantime, Community College System officials say they would have to adhere to their current policy, which is to admit all students with a high school diploma.
I would love to say that was a joke, but, not so! These bastions of higher education fail to comprehend what the word “illegal” means, so, they are actually going to pay a consultant, rather then going “gee. These folks came to this country illegally. They are neither US nor North Carolina citizens. They have no right to an education. We’re sorry they brought their kids with them, but, they kids are in violation of the law, and they are all welcome to go back to where they came from, and get an education there.”
NC Community College is supposed to be for NC residents. The board is discussing charging them out of state tuition, but, still, it will cost the taxpayers money to get a college education for a person who is not legally entitled to work in this country.
But, good for Sue Myrick!
Days before a state board is scheduled to take up the issue, U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick announced a bill that would remove federal funding from colleges and universities that knowingly admit illegal immigrants.
Myrick, a Charlotte Republican who has made immigration a core component of her re-election campaign, said Wednesday that she would introduce her bill in September, when Congress reconvenes.
Any other Republicans and Democrats care to step up to the plate for enforcing the law?

Great article man
I wrote Rep. Sue Myrick first thing, posted my own blog, and informed some local talk radio hosts about this issue. As a natual born citizen AND a student in college, this is a HUGE issue with me as it is hard enough as it is to get finical aid without some of it going to criminals.