The Times Online entitles their story Kremlin dusts off Cold War lexicon to make US villain in Georgia, but, it looks like Barking Moonbatus is spreading! Get a vaccine ready!
Russians were told over breakfast yesterday what really happened in Georgia: the conflict in South Ossetia was part of a plot by Dick Cheney, the Vice-President, to stop Barack Obama being elected president of the United States.
The line came on the main news of Vesti FM, a state radio station that — like the Government and much of Russia’s media — has reverted to the old habits of Soviet years, in which a sinister American hand was held to lie behind every conflict, especially those embarrassing to Moscow. Modern Russia may be plugged into the internet and the global marketplace but in the battle for world opinion the Kremlin is replaying the old black-and-white movie.Â
Come on, Times Online. You have to get with the program. The Russians probably did not dust anything off, but dove in to the fever swamps of someplace like the DU, Kos, or the HuffPost.Â
Here you have InfoWars (who are also massive Truthers) drinking the Kool Aid.
New World Order goes completely Batshit.
Couldn’t go without mentioning Excitable Andy, ya know.
Even minor loons go wonky. It’s all about da oil!!!!! Oops, yet another.
Weasel Zippers and RC Lightning have the same thoughts that I do.