He said he was against lobbyists, and against PACs. Remember his ad, where he said “I’m Barack Obama, and I don’t take money from oil companies or lobbyists, and I won’t let them block change any more”? And this
In a statement today, Obama spokesman Bill Burton, reiterated that Obama doesn’t take PAC money or money from federal registered lobbyists, and “that includes oil companies and oil lobbyists.”
Interesting, eh? Pretty much everyone refuted those statements. But, did you know that Barry has his own PAC, Hopefund? It is not exactly a secret, but it is not something I have seen covered much, and the links about it I find are stories that are typically buried.
Question: is it proper for a Congressman to spread around money to other sitting Congresspeople? What kind of propriety does that show? Is that part of Hope and Change and Change and Hope, or simply the politics as normal that Obama learned from the Chicago Machine?
Is it proper for a sitting US Senator, and presidential wannabe, to spread money around to reelection campaigns for other congresspeople and state reelection groups, in effect using his PAC to skirt the donation rules? Is this the politics of Hope and Change?
And, is this year old report from The Hill part of the “new politics” of Barry?
Two weeks after Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) won the first endorsement of a lawmaker from Iowa or New Hampshire, a new fundraising report shows that he has spent the past two months using money from his leadership political action committee (PAC) to court them. Â
Obama showered lawmakers from Iowa and New Hampshire with contributions while other presidential hopefuls turned their focus to raising money for their presidential campaign accounts, records show.
Just more Hope and Change, Chicago Machine style. Especially the $202,807 he has taken from MoveOn. He won’t take money (so he says) from oil companies, which provide a product to help us get to work and keep our economy going, but, Barry will take money from unhinged extreme leftists.