I just found out, via email from Barry at 3:02pm, that he picked Joe Biden. Did anyone else know?

I just found out, via email from Barry at 3:02pm, that he picked Joe Biden. Did anyone else know?
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Teach said: Did anyone else know?
Yes, quite a few actually since his text message went out at 3am.
Have you totally gone liberal and lost your sense of humor?
I just read your comment on Sister Toldjah and almost shot coffee out of my nose. I will make your blog one of my favorites. Thank you.
I hope the Obamamaniacs will enjoy their cell phone bills going up as the Barry Campaign sends them tons of text messages.
Morning, livia. Thanks for the kind words. Glad I could ramp up the humor quotient for ya. It was hard, considering who Barry picked. That was comedy enough :)
I work in the wireless industry, and, I am not giving credits when their bills go all jacked.