Happy Sunday! A great day to be an American. This pinup is by Al Buell, entitled “Summertime Sweetheart.” Patriotic Eagle see something he likes.
So, what is happening in ye olde blogosphere?
- Raven has a presentation of Teh Liberal Brain
- Who is Barack America? Is he running? Flopping Aces provides the answer
- Will Biden apologize for his Haditha comments? That’s what David Harsanyi wants to know
- Hey, look, typical Democrat support for free speech at Firedoglake. They’d kill the messengers if they didn’t hate the 2nd, too
- Jenna Jameson called Barry for lessons? Huh? You’ll have to read down into Cassandra’s Top 10 post for the answer
- Over at snapped shot, we find out that eHarmony is not just for infidels anymore
- Happy Birthday, Chris!
- Beth at Right Pundits breaks down the VP choices for McCain
- MichaelW at Q and O plays “how to tell if your are a racist”
- Uh oh, the CIA and Tenet tell us Suskind is F.O.S. See Newsbusters for the 411
- Gay pride parades OK, veterans parades not. Moonbattery covers this travesty
- Alan Colmes has an issue with attacking Joe Biden using his own words
- Jihad Watch has some questions for the candidates. With substance
- Jammie Wearing Fool has the all important Tommy Chong thoughts on Biden
- And last, but not least, guess who the DNC Interfaith event is reaching out to? If you are thinking Muslim extremist, you would be right. Check Gates of Vienna
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page.

[…] Shot] Wouldn’t You Like to Know the Answers? (Hat Tip: Pirate’s Cove [and thanks for the Sunday trackbacks!]) Jihad Watch has some important questions for our […]