Zombie, posting at both Pajamas Media and Little Green Footballs, has some photo’s from the idiot protesters, via El Marco, who has even tons more. Hmm, progressives protesting the DNC. At least there are few people who are farther Left then Obama and Michelle My Belle. Here’s a taste
OK, I added a little something, but, you know it’s true!
More at Moonbattery, small dead animals, Michelle Malkin, and Reverse Vampyr.
Question: if Progressives are so proud of their cause, why do they always seem to want to cover their faces? Oh, and never visit the gym?

Thanks for the link. The next few days are going to be even more entertaining than the Olympics. If only they gave out gold medals for stupidity, these folks would even beat the Chinese! p-(
DNC moonbat opening ceremonies…
Let the games begin! The DNC convention began this weekend, and Democrats from around the country will now have a chance to “dance with the ones that brung ’em”: namely, the extreme left of their party. Cindy Sheehan, Ward Churchill, Cynthia McKinne…
and don’t forget not taking showers (or baths).