Like during most special days, or when something big happens, I have to take a stroll through the fever swamps of the Internet, to see what their talking points, and insanity, are. I usually avoid posting any of it on 9/11, though. This, though, yikes!
Crooks and Liars(perfect name for a Liberal blog) posted Keith Olbermann’s special comment about the GOP trademarking 9/11. You can go over and view the video, as well as read the whole comment (not to mention the blame America first comments, the Trutherism, BDS, etc. Standard stuff). Here is the money quote from Keith
This is supposed to be a day of remembrance. Remembrance of the attack, remembrance of the national unity which followed it.
Most important of all, remembrance of the dead.
But 9/11 has become…… a brand name. A Republican campaign slogan. Propaganda of the lowest form.
9/11 has become… 9/11, with a trademark logo.
There is a good reason for that, Keith. A very good reason. It has something to do with Republicans remembering 9/11 with honor, rather then with trutherism and blaming America. It has something to do with Republicans wanting to go on the offensive, and blow the shit out of those who dare attack us and kill out people, rather then wondering what we did to make them mad, and looking for understanding and empathy with the jihadists. Much like the Democrat presidential candidate wanted to do, as Sweetness and Light points out. (Via Michelle M.)