Why do I have to go to what is virtually another country to get the low down on Palin? SF Gate: Palin candidacy stokes debate among women
In a presidential race in which unexpected factors like lipsticks and pigs have driven questions about sexism and feminism, a central question remains: What do women want?
This is especially true now that Alaska’s Republican Gov. Sarah Palin, a self-described hockey mom, is a major player in the race – and is shaping its coverage and its issues in surprising ways.
“Palin was incredibly clever political strategy,” said Rosemary Camposano, spokeswoman for WomenCount.org, a nonpartisan campaign group founded to support Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential effort that now is working to advance women’s political issues.
“It shows the Republicans asking themselves: What is the undercurrent moving people in this country? Where is the untapped energy for this election?” she said. “And they figured it out. It’s women.”
Women as real voters, as real people, rather then a tick mark in a database of a voting group.