Jake Tapper has the money quote in his story about Obama taking off the gloves (for the 4th time)
Continues (Barry campaign manager David) Plouffe, “We will respond with speed and ferocity to John McCain’s attacks and we will take the fight to him, but we will do it on the big issues that matter to the American people. We will not allow John McCain and his band of Karl Rove disciples to make this big election about small things.”
You mean like an ad with brick phones, Rubik’s cubes, and that McCain is not a computer person? Or their talking point that McCain = Bush? See the add below the fold
Not to mention that Barry’s running mate came to Congress a full 14 years before McCain was.
Good to see that Barry is finally approving his own ads. Go back and listen to the previous ones. Rarely do any end with “I’m Barack Obama. My name sounds funny, and I approve this ad.”