That is the question that Kathleen Reardon ask at the Huffington Post. It is a very interesting question
You’re about to board a plane and a flight attendant says, “Today as part of our responsiveness to customers program you may choose Mr. Jones here as co-pilot. He will fly the airplane should something go wrong with the pilot, who isn’t at his best today. Mr. Jones has been a pilot for twenty years and has an impeccable record. He is, however, a man. Because you support the advancement of women in the workplace, we also have a woman here who is willing to fly your plane. She is not a pilot but she didn’t blink when asked to do this and for the past week a team of experts has been talking to her a lot about how to fly.”
Who would you choose? If you chose Pilot Jones, would that be sexist? Or would you simply not be a complete idiot?
Interestingly, she just made the point that Barack Obama is not qualified to be president. You want a pilot flying the plane, correct? Well, you want someone with executive experience to be president. By Kathleen’s own admission, neither Obama or Biden (and, yes, McCain) are not qualified, since they have never had the experience of running a government. They vote, and craft legislation – though not so much in Obama’s case – but, they do not actual run anything.
At least McCain spent time running a squadron for the Navy, and, in fact improving that unit to the point where it won Meritorious Unit Commendation, which the unit had never achieved prior. Barry has been in charge of what?
And, if we are talking experience, one of the main hats the President wears is the Commander in Chief one, so, as Jonah Goldberg writes
Oh one last point for now: Lord knows I think the chicken-hawk arguments are stupid. And I don’t think the fact that Obama never served in the military should count against him in and of itself. But how stupid is it for the Obama campaign to claim that McCain is unqualified to be president because he can’t grasp cyber-security issues based on the fact he has never sent an email when the McCain campaign can just as easily say Obama can’t understand first order national security issues because he’s never fired a rife, flown a plane, commanded men in battle, or faced an enemy? I mean which prepares someone to be commander in chief better, hitting “send” on AOL or fighting a war?
Seriously, this is what the Left is reduced to: throwing their own candidates under the 747 because of Palin Derangement Syndrome. I wondered way back in some post what the Left would do once Bush was gone, since McCain just doesn’t engender quite the hatred from the Nuts as Bush did. Now we know: they will attack a woman, who will just smile as she tells them to go clean their room, otherwise, no dessert.
As a sidebar, regarding the cyber-security, how many folks out there have friends who are running no PC virus programs? Or a crummy one? Friends who have no spyware removal program? Do not enable any firewalls? Do not password protect their computers and/or files? Or, if they have programs, never run them?
For the record, I have Norton Internet Security 2007. Three different programs to search for spyware. A virus removal program. 3 firewalls, if you include the one that is part of the modem. PC is password protected. I have a folder that is hidden, and important files are password protected and scrambled.
Anyhow, good move, Kathleen!