The Islamists are at it again
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A huge truck bomb exploded at the entrance to the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday evening, killing at least 40 people and wounding more than 150, the police said.
Interestingly, The Times Of India is currently whining about it being tough to be a Muslim nowadays, what with all the fear, harsh treatment, and loathing. I wonder why that happens. Perhaps because the Religion of Peace (sic) is full of raging wackjobs who want to spread their religion by sawing heads off?
But, of course, what does the Huff Post have to say?
Strikingly, between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, one of the two has been right on the mark from the beginning–though many heavily criticized him for his stance. The other has been devastatingly wrong, choosing to make Pakistan (and Afghanistan) a low U.S. foreign policy priority, despite the troubling indicators. That senator, John McCain, will now be forced by events to alter his position on Pakistan to come more in line with that of Barack Obama. (snip)
For over a year now, Barack Obama has tried to bring the nation’s attention to the dire situation that an unstable nuclear ally, namely Pakistan, finds itself. After multiple attempts on Musharaff’s life and the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, and increased terror activity, Obama is still not being taken seriously….
Lost in the Leftist attacks and Messiah support are 4 points.
- McCain was pushing The Surge at a time when Iraq was quickly degenerating, Afghanistan was relatively stable, and the War on Terrorism could not afford to see Iraq go down the tubes, left for Al Qaeda, Iran, and other radicals to control
- Barry only bothered to start speaking on the subject when he started seriously running for President, and he was basically talking out of his butt, without facts, without any knowledge of the conditions on the ground, without talking to the military commanders, and in the face of a Pakistan that was somewhat cooperating.
- Its funny that the Leftards are pushing the meme that we should invade a soverign country with a duly elected government that actually has a good military and, oh yeah, nuclear weapons.
- If we had not bothered with Iraq, and just stayed in Afghanistan, the Left would have been complaining about that, using all the same talking points they used for Iraq. You just cannot win with a group that believes in nothing but abortion on demand.
Something I have written about on my blog, in comments at others, in email, at forums, and spoke to people about is, if I had to guess, I would say that Bush and his military advisors wanted to turn Iraq into the central front in the war on terror. Why? Afghanistan is one of the worst places on Earth to fight, at is a massively long line of supply, why have to rely upon Pakistan for over-flight permission, and, oh yeah, it is a really, really bad place to fight.
Instead, we sucked all the jihadi’s into Iraq, which has a shorter supply line, established bases, a shorter flight time to other bases and the USA, and we can get our Navy assets into play much better. Yes, massive mistakes were made, which is an argument for another day, but, notice that Afghanistan started going south when The Surge started kicking in, and the jihadi’s were becoming demoralized and no longer wanted to fight the Great Satan in Iraq anymore? It’s almost like they said “no mas!” and took their ball to another playing field.
Anyhow, if Barry is elected, I have no doubt he will woos out in Afghanistan/Pakistan in less time then it does for Michele Obama to tells us how bad the USA is.