Whoa. Open Left received (supposedly) an email from a Democrat lawmaker, which starts out thusly Paulsen and congressional Republicans, or the few that will actually vote for this (most will be unwilling to take responsibility for the consequences of their policies), have said that there can’t be any “add ons,” or addition provisions. Fuck that. […]
Recent Comments
- Bob on Uh Oh: Ukraine-Russia War Is Super Bad For ‘Climate Change’: “Damn you’re stupid” Mar 3, 22:03
- fp on Huh: Mark Cuban Offers To Hire Certain Fired Federal Workers: “ED: “Do you agree with critics that Vladimir Putin is a dictator, a murderer and war criminal?” Sure, as soon…” Mar 3, 20:40
- david7134 on Huh: Mark Cuban Offers To Hire Certain Fired Federal Workers: “Jeff, Putin is a leader and the Russians I know seem to like him. The Russians were provoked. Z man…” Mar 3, 19:21
- Jl on Huh: Mark Cuban Offers To Hire Certain Fired Federal Workers: “Who’s the idiot? It said “hammered Netanyahu on collateral damage”, and of course there’s collateral damage in the Ukrainian war…” Mar 3, 18:48