Happy Sunday! You know where I am going with this pinup, right? It is an oldy by Gil Elvgren, with a bit of help from Patriotic Pup.
What is happening in ye olde blogosphere?
- Don Surber has the daily scoreboard
- Bigfoot at And Rightly So! has some great pictures from the Flight 93 temporary memoria
- Little Miss Attila says Barry really shouldn’t f*** with Henry Kissinger
- More gangland tactics from the Barry camp. Michelle M. has the 411
- What? Global warming has paused? Anthony Watts has the story
- Say, who was covering for Fannie Mae in 2004? Cassy Fiano provides the low down
- The Thunder Run has a special toy box
- This Ain’t Hell: clean, articulate, and totally empty
- Hey, cool, Mrs. WuzzaDem is back! Maybe. But, anyhow, she digests the debate
- snapped shot has the terrible, tragic story of Spongebob Sqaurepants’ friend
- Ogre has an almost local story on Democrats getting sued for illegal campaign activities
- SNL parodies The One and his scandals? Can’t be true. Newsbusters is on the case
- Great. Toilet arrangments are now dictated by Islam in Britain. Moonbattery writes it up
- Over at Hot Air, we can listen to the latest missives from Queen Nancy
- And last, but not least, Blue Star Beth says there is no gas in Georgia. I guess people just aren’t eating enough Taco Bell
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page.