Today marks the climactic end of the month-long Ramadan fast as thousands of Muslims from across the Triangle gathered for congregational prayers at the State Fairgrounds Exposition Center in Raleigh.
The occasion, known as Eid al-Fitr (EED al FIH-trr), the happiest day of the Muslim year, is a celebration of the spiritual sacrifice Muslims make during the month of Ramadan when they refrain from eating or drinking from dawn to dusk. Literally, Eid al-Fitr means the feast of the fast breaking.
At the State Fairgrounds Exposition Center, Triangle Muslims observed Eid al-Fitr by prostrating in neat, single-file lines for prayers, then kissing and hugging one another and making plans to visit family and friends.
Interesting. See, the North Carolina State Fairgrounds are owned by, yup, you guessed it, the State of North Carolina. Here we have a religious ceremony on government property. You would think that the NC branch of the ACLU would have pitched a fit, if not the national branch. Nope. Not a peep.
Imagine if a huge group of Catholics or Baptists wanted to perform a religious ceremony there. Or, the Boy Scouts. Think the ACLU would have jumped in with both toe nail colored pink feet?
Just for reference, I could care less about the Triangle Muslims using the State fairgrounds. I see no problem with allowing religion on government property, as long as everyone is allowed. I am just highlighting the hypocricy of the ACLU.

This doesn’t violate the establishment clause any more than my son’s Cub Scout pack using our school cafeteria does. Why would the ACLU get involved?
I agree, it doesn’t violate the 1st. It definately doesn’t because the 1st applies to the federal government, not the State governments. NC has something similar though.
But, that has never stopped the ACLU before. Consider them suing over having the 10 Commandments on government property. Boy Scouts using meeting rooms at schools. And, if that had been a big group of Catholics celebrating a holiday, you know the ACLU would have had issues.
Teach said: And, if that had been a big group of Catholics celebrating a holiday, you know the ACLU would have had issues.
You mean like the Church of Good Shepherd, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Raleigh?