Susan at Wake Up America brings us a lovely story about how civil the Obama supporters are. She recieved a photo with some background in her email
I was at a Sarah Palin event in Philadelphia, at the Park Hyatt Hotel – late Saturday afternoon (Oct. 11th). If you are easily grossed out by the “C” word, I am sorry. But as Andrea says below, if McCain supporters wore a shirt that said “Obama is a Nigger” or even “Obama is a Bastard” or “Obama is a Terrorist” at an Obama Rally, they would either be thrown off the premises, have their heads kicked in, or even be detained at the local police station (I know this for a fact: I just had on a McCain button at a recent Obama event and I didn’t think I was going to get out alive).
Typical behavior from the unhinged Left, yet, the media wants McCain to tone it down? As Susan asks, where’s the media? They made a big deal out of the Obama monkey, yet, the best I can find is a small blurb in an LA Times blog. Fox News has mentioned it during their 9am news today.
The scumbag second from left (with the beard) is F.T. Davidsson. His MySpace profile (locked) is here. He is also pictured in the t-shirt at a site,, and selling them. Click on “other shit” then on-line store, scroll down.
Politcal Punch covered it, via Weasel Zippers.
Here’s a thread about it at Ben Smith reports on one of the t-shirt creators. Not a Democrat. Suuuuure.
Hey, unhinged at CafePress!
And more unhinged t-shirts, via Jim Treacher
Well, the second one is not an unhinged t-shirt, but, can you imagine any self respecting Republican man wearing a pink t-shirt and putting on lipstick to go protest? Progressives – bringing on Teh Gey one moonbat at a time.
Meanwhile, other Moonbats want to stone Palin.
More: Susan has caught more nutters wearing the Palin t-shirt. See at Wake Up America and Stop The ACLU.

Thanks for the link. Isn’t it amazing that every headline around spoke of a woman calling Obama an “Arab”, to which McCain actually defended Obama, yet with photo proof, barely a word about people like this wearing these T-Shirts?
Simply astounding.
The Obama-ites can whine and complain all they want about McCain supporters becoming angry at rallies and accusing him of being a terrorist for all I care.
When I see stuff like this, it takes every ounce of credibility out of anything the mainstream media and their Obama surrogates can ever say. Waahhhhh, oh waaaaah, they called him Barack Hussein Obama. Waaaah. Too bad, lefties, I ain’t buying your drivel after seeing this crap on here.
I’m not very tolerant of Palin bashers to begin with, but this is an outrage.
This is an attempt by detractors to get Sarah Palin to stop being who she is. What it means is, they’re really worried about the effectiveness that she has.
I’ll bet my hat they’re all Republican operatives.
The Repubs are the party of dirty tricks, Rovean politics, and swiftboating. It’s a fair bet that, anytime you see something outrageous about a Democrat, it’s a Republican lie.
What is really sad Perry is that you really do believe that. It’s what democrats are famous for, denial and lacking any kind of personal responsibility or integrity. So you want us to believe you and not our lying eyes then huh?
It’s all so cool to be a punk until you get called out for your vile ways, then it’s someone else’s fault. I am waiting to hear all the accusations that fly when Obummer loses in November. I can’t wait to watch the meltdown on Dkos!!! :/flag
You’re welcome, Susan, and, you’re right: the Arab thing got the media all crazy/insane, but, people with those t-shirts? Eh, not so much, except at a few outlets.
Good points, Patrick. There will always be some folks who go too far on both sides, but, it is typically this one person or that one person when it is on the Right. On the left it tends to be large groups going nuts.
Prove it, Perry. One of them was actually posting at, and posted the shirt.