Oh, joy.
Crystal Mangum thought she was going to die when three people allegedly raped her at a March 13, 2006, party hosted by Duke lacrosse players.
“I genuinely believed I was going to die in there, but I did not want to,” Mangum writes in her new book, “The Last Dance for Grace: The Crystal Mangum Story,” which was released online Friday.
The only person in the world sticking to the rape story is her. Maybe her family. But, no other rational person. Well, maybe Excitable Andy.
“Yes I am still claiming that a sexual assault happened,” she said.
So far, she has been pretty much kept out of the civil suits flying around, but…
Mangum’s public statements that she still believes she was attacked has drawn criticism from defense attorneys who represented the former players, and Seligmann’s family said Thursday they were considering a lawsuit.
“It’s a bald-faced lie,” Evans’ former attorney, Joseph Cheshire, said Thursday. “And there’s nothing other than the 20 or 25 different stories she’s told about it to corroborate it – absolutely nothing, and that’s why the attorney general declared these young men innocent.”
In a statement, Seligmann’s father called Mangum’s comments “simply a pathetic attempt to further her need to remain in the public eye at the expense of demonstrably innocent individuals.”
“We are presently evaluating all available legal options,” Phil Seligmann said. “If Ms. Mangum and those associated with her continue to slander Reade, we will have no choice and will not hesitate to utilize these options.”
From the Raleigh N&O
“Many people have tried to use my name and my past to intimidate me, to make me believe that I was a nobody,” Mangum told reporters. “I’m a real person. I have feelings. I’m not just an exotic dancer. I’m not just someone who tried to frame someone who was innocent of sexual assault. My only intentions were for justice, and I wanted justice for myself.”
Your “feelings” could cost the State of North Carolina, ie, The People, $30 million or more, not to mention ruining many peoples lives for years.
BTW, her lawyer, per Durham blogger KC Johnson, who authored Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case (via La Shawn Barber, who tears Crystal apart and would love to have a one on one convo with her), found that the “state NAACP attorney Al McSurely, who published the infamously error-filled memorandum of law in support of Mangum’s side of the story, is the registered agent for the company that published Mangum’s piece of fantasy fiction.”
McSurely has also been involved in far left Impeach Bush and Cheney wackiness.
No word from the still absent on this case ACLU.