It probably won’t cause riots and the burning of McDonald’s, though
“The Messenger of Peace“, to be shot around the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, was originally a 1977 Hollywood film made by Moustapha Akkad and starring Anthony Quinn.
It is often applauded by Muslims as an example of how commercial Western cinema can respect Islam.
Executive producer of the new movie, Hajja Subhia Abu Elheja, said: “Since 9/11, Islam’s image has suffered tremendously.
“Now more than ever it has become important to bridge the gap of understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.”
Hmm. Will it explain how that gap which includes beheadings, suicide bombers, teaching kids to kill the infidel, the poor treatment of women in much of the Islamic world, stonings, hangings for homosexuals, violence against those who criticize Islam, and intolerance against most things not approved by Islam, among others?