Due to the overload of news that I have, I am going to share all of them with you in one post. This will also help me empty my inbox from when my computer was down for 5 days. I hope you don’t mind. ;)…
[…] is Wired, Political Byline, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, and Democrat=Socialist. Also, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
SarahCuda is going to be in Raleigh Saturday. Not sure if I can go, I scheduled myself for the closing shift (7pm), so, unless business gets slow around 4, no can do :(
[…] McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
[…] Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Done. Tuesday last. McCain-Palin. No brainer folks.
The Old Retired Petty Officer could never vote for the likes of obammy. The hollow man is a traitor who can’t hold a candle next to the Old Retired Petty Officer.
I didn’t realize it but back in 2006 Barenaked Ladies requested folks submit homemade videos for their song “Sound of Your Voice.†Too bad I missed that ’cause I could have submitted something. Oh well. Another missed opportunity. However here …
Pre-Election reading:A Day of Prayer and Fasting for America on November 3, here, (hat tip reader Kwami Klu)I hope all readers will join in prayer for this nation prior to the election on November 4, 2008.Barack, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq,……
[…] Faultline USA, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Right Voices, and Stageleft, thanks to […]
The Amazing, Incredible, Stupendous, Wonderful, and Very, Very Nifty Dialectic Effect…
Conservatives and liberals have very different ideas about the nature and cause of progress. To a conservative, progress is a matter of trial and error. You try different things and keep the one that works. At the end of the……
[…] Byline, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
My friend and fellow conservative Zo is back with another video exploring Barack Obama and the liberal agenda. Zo is right on the money and his observations are top notch and zeroed in on the target.
Watch it completely because it is well worth your …
Good news on this day before the election — hubby is announcing the new band NexTown. We’re a brand new band consisting of old musicians. Our genre consists of old time rock-n-roll, southern rock, and blues.Our current lineup is:Brose Park……
[…] third world county, Faultline USA, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
What will the end bring? Elation and indigestion, in equal parts…
Greetings readers,
I took a week off for health and sanity. Health related to my previous posts and a few side issues, and sanity simply because the frenzy of stupidity in the last two weeks of the campaign made me nutso.
But here we are, and tomorro…
the jig is UP: Stop the Revolution in its tracks….
There is a way to stop the Bill Ayers/Barack Obama Revolution; there is a powerful antidote to their powerful poison: Your vote for the McCain-Palin ticket today!
[…] world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
[…] world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
Election aftermath: What it means and where do we go from here…
First, congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama, who may not have gotten a landslide victory his sycophants wanted, but won decisively none the less.Â
His election is historic in that we have finally proven image is more important than truth an…
Yes we lost and we lost big. The Dems won the White House with a guy who looks like the second coming of Jimmy Carter. Just like Carter, Obama was elected after the second term of a very unpopular Republican…….
When an enemy advances or defeats the ones I am sworn to protect and defend, I do not wish many happy returns.
I may commiserate, but I will not congratulate.
[…] USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, , Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Fitness update! As a follow-on, there was a larger $32.1M purchase agreement for government-wide consulting on “fitness center services,” which…” Mar 25, 18:50
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Jasmine Crockett has now claimed the 2024 election was stolen, called for violence against Ted Cruz, and made fun of…” Mar 25, 18:17
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
Sarah Palin, of course! p-(
McCain/Palin without a doubt
Reform, prosperity and peace
THE SIX HUNDRED POUND LIBERAL NOBODY SEEMS TO NOTICEBy R.J. Godlewski© October 31, 2008, All Rights Reserved Word has it that that infamous Los Angeles Times video with Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi shows the Senator from Illinois agreeing with……
Political, Milblog News Roundup: 31 Oct 08…
Due to the overload of news that I have, I am going to share all of them with you in one post. This will also help me empty my inbox from when my computer was down for 5 days. I hope you don’t mind. ;)…
[…] is Wired, Political Byline, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, and Democrat=Socialist. Also, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
SarahCuda is going to be in Raleigh Saturday. Not sure if I can go, I scheduled myself for the closing shift (7pm), so, unless business gets slow around 4, no can do :(
[…] McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
[…] Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
Dead Woman Voting…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Dead Woman Voting…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Dead Woman Voting…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Dead Woman Voting…
Podcast Show Notes
No legitimate reason for Joe the Plumber search. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
In Ohio: the dead vote.
Has Barack Obama done anything yet?’
Obama plans to lower expectations but only have after he’s won. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chi…
Done. Tuesday last. McCain-Palin. No brainer folks.
The Old Retired Petty Officer could never vote for the likes of obammy. The hollow man is a traitor who can’t hold a candle next to the Old Retired Petty Officer.
McCain on Saturday Night Live…
In case you missed it.
No offense John, but I would so chat Cindy up when you weren’t looking. Cindy if your reading this, give me a call babe….
Don’t know if it did it to you, but the Obama ad right before watching the QVC clip w…
Sarah Hussein Obama’s grandmother audio…
Barack’s grandmother says he was born in Kenya: audio with transcript.
Murtha pleads for moveon.org help…
Should Jack Murtha be SURPRISED that everyone who supports our troops and their mission in Iraq is supporting his opponent?
[…] Rosemary’s Thoughts, Political Byline, Faultline USA, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Right Voices, and Stageleft. Also, thanks […]
“Sound Of Your Voice” by Barenaked Ladies…
I didn’t realize it but back in 2006 Barenaked Ladies requested folks submit homemade videos for their song “Sound of Your Voice.†Too bad I missed that ’cause I could have submitted something. Oh well. Another missed opportunity. However here …
A Video Examination Of Obama’s Taxation Claims…
WARNING! Contains adult language as well as facts exposing Barack Obama’s socialistic plans. Content possibly not suitable for liberals.
Pre-Election Reading…
Pre-Election reading:A Day of Prayer and Fasting for America on November 3, here, (hat tip reader Kwami Klu)I hope all readers will join in prayer for this nation prior to the election on November 4, 2008.Barack, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq,……
A Keith Olbermann documentary…
I rarely watch the man but this previously unseen footage of him is quite interesting. ……
[…] Faultline USA, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Right Voices, and Stageleft, thanks to […]
Barak Obama hateS Israel..& o yea.. The Balfour Declaration…
Yea. the Good ole Senator helped fund an organization that rejects ‘racist’ Israel’s existence.
Shocker eh. NOT.
The Amazing, Incredible, Stupendous, Wonderful, and Very, Very Nifty Dialectic Effect…
Conservatives and liberals have very different ideas about the nature and cause of progress. To a conservative, progress is a matter of trial and error. You try different things and keep the one that works. At the end of the……
[…] Byline, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
My Man Zo Is Back With A Vengeance…
My friend and fellow conservative Zo is back with another video exploring Barack Obama and the liberal agenda. Zo is right on the money and his observations are top notch and zeroed in on the target.
Watch it completely because it is well worth your …
NexTown the Band…
Good news on this day before the election — hubby is announcing the new band NexTown. We’re a brand new band consisting of old musicians. Our genre consists of old time rock-n-roll, southern rock, and blues.Our current lineup is:Brose Park……
[…] third world county, Faultline USA, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
Election Day: Save Your NatioN…
It’s not about right or left my sweet friends…..it’s about right and wrong.
What will the end bring? Elation and indigestion, in equal parts…
Greetings readers,
I took a week off for health and sanity. Health related to my previous posts and a few side issues, and sanity simply because the frenzy of stupidity in the last two weeks of the campaign made me nutso.
But here we are, and tomorro…
the jig is UP: Stop the Revolution in its tracks….
There is a way to stop the Bill Ayers/Barack Obama Revolution; there is a powerful antidote to their powerful poison: Your vote for the McCain-Palin ticket today!
The McCain-Palin Landslide…
Are you ready for a win? Paul Marston spells out why he believes that McCain/Palin have a surprise in store for us.
Jason Mattera…And Acorn..heh…
A Brooklyn boy. Guy after my own heart.
[…] world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
[…] world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
Election aftermath: What it means and where do we go from here…
First, congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama, who may not have gotten a landslide victory his sycophants wanted, but won decisively none the less.Â
His election is historic in that we have finally proven image is more important than truth an…
Don’t Despair…
Yes we lost and we lost big. The Dems won the White House with a guy who looks like the second coming of Jimmy Carter. Just like Carter, Obama was elected after the second term of a very unpopular Republican…….
Barak Obama is not President of MY United States…
When an enemy advances or defeats the ones I am sworn to protect and defend, I do not wish many happy returns.
I may commiserate, but I will not congratulate.
Is it racist to make a joke now?…
Why Barack Obama won, an incredibly accurate analysis. ……
[…] USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, , Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone […]
Sarah Palin in her own words…
The raw audio from an interview in July 2007 has been released. ……
Here comes the blame game: It’s Palin’s Fault!…