Happy Sunday! Yet another beautiful day in America. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren. Was kinda suprised that I had not used it around the 2006 midterm elections, but, oh well.
What is happening around ye olde blogosphere?
- Wizbang: Obama’s plan for coal is so wonderful that it will bankrupt the industry
- Stop The ACLU: ever wonder what Obama’s terrorist friends had in mind for American?
- Jonah Goldberg: Obama 2012
- Michelle Malkin: Conyers wants to investigate Barry’s Aunti leak. Joe The Plumber, not so much
- Fausta: Let’s play taxation limbo!
- A Blog For All: did that raid on Syria have Syrian backing?
- I hate to agree with Alan Colmes, but, he has a point. People need to lighten up on the politics for holidays
- Bigfoot (And Rightly So!) explains why you should vote McCain/Palin
- Basil: Schutzstaffel
- Blue Star Beth: Governator discusses Barry’s chicken legs. Kinda matches B.O. foreign policy
- Jammie Wearing Fool has the Obama photo of the day
- Little Miss Attila gets a love note
- Skye wants you to join the rebellion
- Say, whatever happened to that 2008 hurricane season? Watts Up With That? explains
- And last, but not least, give a big congratulations to Alabama (no more) Improper on her nuptials!
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page.