Nope, that title is not a joke. And it is not that far off.
Charging that principles of Islamic law are being introduced in the United States by stealth, critics on Thursday will protest outside a U.S. Treasury Department seminar on shari’a-complaint finance.
Although this is not the department’s first “Islamic Finance 101†seminar, it comes amid a new push by Muslim figures in recent weeks to promote Islamic finance as a response to the debt-fueled global financial crisis.
Controversial Sunni scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a leading advocate of shari’a-complaint finance (SCF), told a conference in Qatar last month that Muslims should take the opportunity provided by the crisis to replace capitalism with an Islamic financial system.
Now, people will go, so what, they are just looking at it.
Islamic financial products are those that comply with shari’a, the Islamic legal code associated with notorious punishments including the death penalty for apostasy, and stoning and amputations for other offenses.
In essence, SCF bans usury – the collection and payment of interest – and discourages heavy borrowing.
Other then the penalties, that does actually look like a system that the Democrats would prefer. Except if you are rich. Then re-education camps for you! And, in Liberal World, if you get a pay check, you are rich.
Of course, this is the way Islamisism works: creeping in to a country till all of a sudden people start realizing late what is happening. See England for a good example. Multiculturalism and politicalcorrectness enable this, as subtle and tiny steps are implemented. Islamic religious schools get a bit more radical every year, Muslims demand the removal of certain items from public view, they start calling for sharia law in their communities. And it is liberal/progressive policy which allows it.
Welcome to the next 4 years.