Just molesting 13 year olds that Americans won’t
A 33-year-old illegal immigrant from Sheboygan (Wisconsin) was sentenced Monday to four years in prison for molesting a 13-year-old girl, a sentence more than double that recommended by prosecutors.
Jose G. Lemus-Rodriquez pleaded no contest to a felony count of second-degree sexual assault in September, and in exchange Assistant District Attorney Chris Stock asked for an 18-month prison term on Monday.
But Judge L. Edward Stengel said the crime requires a harsher punishment. The charge carries a maximum prison term of 25 years, and Lemus-Rodriquez admitted sexually assaulting the girl on at least four occasions between November 2007 and January.
“It’s not a single occurrence; it happened over a significant period of time,” Stengel said. “This young lady obviously lived in fear and in shame. You were willing to use and abuse her to satisfy your own selfish desires.”
I guess they are not all good people looking for a better life. Lemus-Rodriguez has a wife and several children, and now has jail time and an immigration hold. The minute he is out of the slammer, he’ll be deported. Unless, of course, the Democrat Congress and President Barry give him amnesty.

As someone who lives in this area, i can tell you that this sentence is VERY out of the ordinary. Judges in Sheboygan County are notorious for REDUCING sentences for sex offenders. Needless to say we are extremely happy with the judge’s decision, regardless of whether he is an illegal. Hopefully this will start a trend.
Let’s hope. Of course, when Barry takes office, he will probably make this guy legal and proscribe therapy.
It’s funny, I never thought WI mattered much politically, but the entire country is about to find out what things have been like in lining in the People’s Republik of Wiskonsin for the last 30 to 40 years (and that is even with having a 4 term republican Governor in the 80’s and 90’s).