Even after all these years of following the AGW issue, I still find it humorous that the Believers still do little more then try and draw attention to the issue
Willamette University students and other cyclists will bike to the state Capitol today to promote the fight against global warming. The bike ride will start at 2 p.m. on the university campus.
Yeah, that should solve the problem! Notice that none of these groups every really do anything such as raise money to go to fixing the issue? Even The Goracle is doing little more then going for a collective movement (which should be scary in its own right)
Former V-P and Nobel Peace laureate Al Gore told an audience at the Web 2.0 Summitin San Francisco on Friday that we need to use the latest web tools to organize a social movement in order to help rescue the earth from climate change. Gore, who has been an adviser to Google, served on the board of directors for Apple, and is currently a cleantech venture partner with Kleiner Perkins, said fighting climate change will need the same type of collective movement driven by the web that helped elect Barack Obama.
Granted, the collectivist movement that helped elect DeID* Obama worked. But, there is a vast difference between electing a politician and fixing an issue which they claim is mostly, or completely, Mankind’s fault. But, in reality, the whole AGW issue is there for four reasons: something for the Left to combat the military support by the right, as a way of getting people to join together to follow the Leftist movement, to make some money, and to control the world wide economy. Witness
A fight within the Democratic Partyover control of the House Energy and Commerce Committee could influence the outcome of President-elect Obama’s efforts to limit the heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming.
Obama has said he wants to act quickly on climate change. But crucial bipartisan support could be tested if liberal California Rep. Henry Waxman succeeds at unseating Chairman John Dingell of Michigan, the panel’s top Democrat for 28 years and a key ally of automakers and electric utilities.
The winner will be at the helm of a panel that will spearhead a bill to cap greenhouse gases and establish a multibillion-dollar market in carbon dioxide, with companies buying and selling the right to pollute.
There is an old saying, that if the question includes “why,” the answer is $$$. Why do you think that governments are pushing these market forces that can damage economies? $$$. All these Climahysteria leaders not only gain much influence, but will getting quite a bit of coin. And, instead of actually living the life they extol for everyone else, they just buy carbon credits, typically from companies they themselves make money from. If they won’t live the life, why should anyone else? Why should we believe that these people are anything other then snake oil salesman, and the people who fall for it are the “bright young lads” who never realize they just got taken.
*Decider In Defeat

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