Happy Sunday! Another great day in America, as always. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrant, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in ye olde blogosphere?
- The Anchoress says she is sorry for being so quite, but, she has a mandate
- Did you know a McCain supporter was arrested during a Barry celebration? Gates of Vienna has the 411
- It’s Operation Christmas Tree over at Hooah Wife and Friends. Go, donate, help out.
- Jihad Watch explains how the jihad is going in Jolly Old England
- Oh, good, Osama is set to release a new video to Barry. Weasel Zippers has the story
- Mahatells conservatives to pick their fights. This, after 8 years of Dems fighting against everything?
- XRLQ discusses sore winners
- Hey, The Radio Equalizer has some more sore winners
- The NY Times is upset with Republicans for being gracious election losers. Head to Newsbusters
- Hmm, so what are the peace movements true colors? This ain’t Hell dishes it up
- Now that Andrew Sullivan is safe from Sarah Palin’s uterus, Cassandrais concerned for the mental well being of Glenn “Sock Puppet” Greenwald
- So, how’s the excelerating global warming going? Er, not so good, as Anthony Watts points out
- The Jawa Reporthas the story on a radical cleric telling other Muzzies to become stone killers
- Patterico: good advice for Barry that will fall on big, flappy, deaf ears
- And last, but not least, Billy Budd has the worlds biggest barbecue
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page.