Even though the article points out that Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah doesn’t think much of Obama’s changeiness, he sure loves the word racist!
Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday lashed out at Israel, calling Israelis “racist war criminals” and warning that Hizbullah was “stronger than ever.” He also expressed skepticism regarding US President-elect Barack Obama’s promises of change.
Nasrallah referred to this week’s United Nations interfaith conference in New York, which will be attended by Saudi King Abdullah and President Shimon Peres. He called on Arab and Muslim nations to prevent the participation of Peres or any other Israeli dignitaries, who, he said, are “racist war criminals.”
So now we know that the favorite word of the Obama campaign, his supporters, and the Compliant Media has gained favor in the terrorist community. They are very brave people
Hizbullah members march during a rally marking Hizbullah Martyr’s Day in the southern suburb of Dahiyeh, Lebanon, Tuesday.
Great picture caption from ye olde AP, eh? Considering these brave souls are apparently marching inside.
Anyhow, is Arab a race? How about Jewish? I wish these people would get it straight, find a dictionary. Of course, when Lefties call me bad names for going after The One’s policies, I’m just going to call them racists.

Well go ahead and call people whatever you like Teach, BUT, will it really make you feel better, about being yourself ?