While the stock market continues to go down post election, gun sales continue fabulously. But, how fabulously?
Between Nov. 3 and Nov. 9, the Federal Bureau of Investigation received 374,000 requests for background checks on gun buyers – 49 per cent more than the same time last year, CNN reported.
That’s a lot of checks! One of them mine.
“The spike in gun sales … is a serious overreaction to Obama’s election,” said Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet in an e-mail to The Globe and Mail.
Prof. Tushnet, who has written a book about the U.S. gun debate, said that while Mr. Obama may support moderate gun control, he won’t – and couldn’t – enact swift changes.
“Whatever [Mr. Obama’s] ‘deep’ views on gun control, the issue is going to be very low priority for his administration and for Democrats in Congress,” Prof. Tushnet said. “And such legislation would, of course, be extremely controversial. I don’t see any significant political force among Democrats to spend the political capital needed to enact more than the most minor tinkering with existing gun regulations.”
It won’t be sweeping legislation. It will be death by 1,000 papercuts. Tiny legislation that no one really notices. And regardless of what Obama said on the campaign trail, Obama has always been against guns.

Me also. I purchased a Smith and Wesson MP-15 (M-4) myself. And a bunch of the guys at my office did as well. And don’t look just for a new
“Assault Weapons Ban”“Scary Looking Weapons Ban”, but look for an increased tax on ammunition in an attempt to make it too expensive for most shooters. I even think he will try to ban concealed carry laws, though what authority of the U.S. Constitution gives him that I don’t know.There are two schools of thought on this one, will he move fast and take advantage of the Democrat power-grab of Washington D.C., or will he move slow so as not to alienate the Dems from voters in 2010 and 2012, the death by a 1000 papercuts method. Time will only tell, but he ran on Changeâ„¢, and Changeâ„¢ he will, as much as he can….
I should get my permit tomorrow, still not quite sure what I want to get. Been leaning towards a Walther p22 or a Sig .22, but, going out to check 3 other gun shops today. One has a bunch of Baretta .22’s, they look kinda like a gun from a futuristic space movie, but, are supposed to be fantastic guns.
As far as assault rifles, the dems submitted H.R. 6257 in July, Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008. Still sitting in committee, like seemingly most of the legislation during the 110th congress.
One only has to look up his rating with the NRA to see if he is gun friendly or not…
He has an F rating, based on his voting record.