The ACLU will surely jump on this issue. Having a school education event, a government school mind you!!! and they put on skits about Christianity
Samina and Rashid Chotani’s Ellicott City home will be relatively silent in the coming weeks, compared with the past month and a half.
That’s when up to 42 children gathered each Sunday to prepare for their performance during the third Howard County Public School System Teachers Appreciation Dinner.
The event, held Monday at Toby’s Dinner Theatre in Columbia, was sponsored by the Howard County Muslim Council. The program, “Islamic Holidays,” was an opportunity for educators in the county to learn more about the Muslim faith. There were a number of plays and songs, speeches and a quiz that tested what the teachers learned.
Huh? Oh, it was a Muslim teach in. During a government school event. Well, I guess that is OK, as long as it wasn’t those EVIL Christians, with their sawing off of heads, suicide bombers, and attempts at world-wide religious government. My Bad!

Teach in terms of sheer numbers of deaths NOTHING compares to what is happening/ has happened, in the Congo. Oh by the way I wonder what religion that practice there ? ??