Paging Dr. Cluebat. Paging Dr. Cluebat. Bush Reversal on Iraq Deadline Gives Obama Breathing Room
By agreeing to a fixed deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, President Bush contradicted years of promises that he would never agree to anything but a “conditions-based” plan for phasing out the American military role there. But he may also have given President-elect Barack Obama more flexibility in fulfilling his campaign promise to bring the troops home.
It would probably be a dumb thing to ask if the Washington Post is actually this clueless, wouldn’t it?
Bush would not commit to artificial timelines as long as the status of Iraq was up in the air. It is no longer in doubt.  We won. Things are settling down. Units are already leaving weeks and months early. Virtually every province is under command of Iraq military and police units. Violence is lower then in Chicago. Conditions on the ground have improved to the point where it really doesn’t matter if the enemy knows, because the little jihadi’s got there heads handed too them, making it difficult for Allah to pass out all those virgins.
Anyone with a brain knew that at some point it would be announced that we were winding up our affairs in Iraq. The difference was that Bush wanted to wait till the right time, and President-Elect Barry and other Defeatocrats wanted to do it so we completely lost.
For those so inclined, I would highly recommend reading this post from Argghhh! regarding the bottom line in Iraq.
PS: the first person to go down the road of “how do you define victory in Iraq?” will be abused. All others will be deleted to match their mental capabilities.

Teach the Iraqis are throwing us out, they do not want us in their country. I think that Iran has come out ahead of us. Maliki knows and has known that Iran will always be more important to Iraq than the USA. Al Sadr is still popular and has wisely conserved his Mahdi army.The “sons of Iraq” also known as the Baathists are no longer on our payroll and know that the Sunni Shia still have not resolved their differences. The oil revenue sharing law remains a dream. The Shia will not allow the Sunni back into any of the security ministries. There is stil a constant 3-4-500 killings a month. @ years ago Harry Reid said the best thing we could do was to declare victory and get out, well that is what Bush has decided to do.
[…] BS but that won’t stop the pathological liars on the left, will it? Then again, when they are clueless about the Iraq War, why should anyone really give them the attention they lust […]
[…] BS but that won’t stop the pathological liars on the left, will it? Then again, when they are clueless about the Iraq War, why should anyone really give them the attention they lust […]