The bubble beside Norm Coleman’s name appeared to have both an X and a squiggle in it, but the Al Franken campaign wants the state Canvassing Board to rule on whether it should count. That’s the only challenge in the special envelope in Plymouth so far, according to Sandy Engdahl, the city clerk and the official running the city recount.
So much for “count every vote” and “voter intention,” eh? (Via Ace thru The American Spectator)
Say, I wonder if the Brad Blog will bother covering this, and decry this obvious attempt by Violent Al to disenfranchise someone who obviously was voting for Coleman?
snapped shot has more, and Sister Toldjah discusses other ballot issues. Me, I think they should give the seat to the Lizard People, see what kind of leaders they are

Both candidates are contesting about the same amount of ballots.
Both candidates are trying to challenge as many questionable ballots as they can. As usual, though, you only want to make the Democrats looks bad.