Because the economy isn’t tanking as far and as fast as Democrats really want it too
The US Senate will take up two sweeping global warming bills in January, in the latest sign that Barack Obama’s election could quickly reverse years of US footdragging on climate change.
Democratic Senators, openly gleeful that years of fierce struggles against George W. Bush’s Republican administration on the issue were drawing to a close, proclaimed the United States would undergo a “sea change” in environmental policy.
“The time to start is now,” said Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, vowing to step up to Obama’s challenge to combat climate change and create millions of “green jobs” in the reeling US economy.
So, what are these green jobs? No one really knows. Maybe it is simply putting all the welfare recipients that Democrat policies created to work picking garbage up from the side of the road between Oprah and Jerry Springer episodes. Then they’ll unionize and get paid $17 an hour.
I have $100 on at least 3 inches of snow those days.
Boxer, chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, said one bill would combat harmful gas emissions by providing 15 billion dollars a year to spur clean energy innovation and the development of advanced biofuels.
The other piece of legislation will direct the US Environmental Protection Agency to set up a cap-and-trade system to stem greenhouse gas emissions.
Because this has worked so well in the rest of the world that they are now starting to reject all this Kyoto style idiocy.
On the bright side, the Bush admin is finalizing changes to the Environmental Protection Act so that they no longer have to take AGW into consideration when looking at plants and animals.