How soon till some indoctrinated brain dead liberal does this at an American zoo with a polar bear?
A college student in southern China was bitten by a panda after he broke into the bear’s enclosure hoping to get a hug, state media and a park employee said Saturday.
The student was visiting Qixing Park with classmates on Friday when he jumped the 6.5-foot (2-meter) -high fence around the panda’s habitat, said the park employee, who refused to give his name.
…The student was pale as he was taken away by medics but appeared clear-headed, he said.
“Yang Yang was so cute and I just wanted to cuddle him. I didn’t expect he would attack,” the 20-year-old student, surnamed Liu, said in a local hospital, according to the official Xinhua News Agency.
John Hawkins at Right Wing News, where I found this, has a different take then myself. Me, I look at this as a metaphor for the indoctrination of people into diversity, anthropomorphism, and typical liberal fuzzy-headed thinking feeling. They like to create a world-view in direct contradiction to reality. A utopia were we all live in harmony with each other and nature, despite hundreds of millions of years evolutionary forces.