Virtually every concern heightened by the ecoÂnomic downturn, especially job losses, would be exacerbated under the ANPR. As with cap-and-trade legislation, the EPA’s suggested rulemaking would be poison to an already sick economy. But even in the best of economic times, this policy would likely end them. The estimated costs–close to $7 trillion dollars and 3 million manufacturing jobs lost–are staggering. So is the sweep of regulaÂtions that could severely affect nearly every major energy-using product from cars to lawnmowers, and a million or more businesses and buildings of all types. And all of this sacrifice is in order to make, at best, a minuscule contribution to an overstated environmental threat. Congress has wisely resisted implementing anything this costly and impractical. The fact that unelected and unaccountable EPA bureaucrats are trying to do the opposite is all the more objectionable.
As the saying goes, read the whole thing.Â
Lies, in regards to NASA’s flagrant falsification of October weather data
My point here is not to argue whether or not global warming exists and who’s at fault, but to stress the importance of honest data in providing useful information about the world around us. If scientists, who are supposed to be objective in presenting the facts, choose to hide, lie or state things incorrectly, what hope have we for the general public?
It was the Goracle who gave The Believers the right to exaggerate and lie in order to “save the planet.” And more and more people are putting down the cups of kool aid and realizing they have been the recipients of a Nigerian email scam.
Hackbart further points out periods of solar inactivity known as “solar minimums” magnify cold spells on the South American continent. According to Gunter, American scientist, Dr. Craig Locehle, who conducts modeling on global climate change, confirmed the findings, ” the so-called Medieval Warm Period of about 1,000 years ago did in fact exist and was even warmer than 20th century temperatures.”
New research confirms the warm period of 1,000 years ago produced temperatures higher than today’s temperatures. The conclusion, confirmed by tree rings, lake and ocean floor sediment, ice cores, and early records written on climate, particularly in Northern Europe. Remember, there were no vehicles to create tons of hydrocarbons at that time.
Again, read the whole thing. Was kinda difficult to pick out which paragraphs to excerpt, as there is lots of great information.
And now, a double shot from Science Daily, which is an excellent magazine, BTW. First, from today
A detailed analysis of black carbon — the residue of burned organic matter — in computer climate models suggests that those models may be overestimating global warming predictions.
This is like most of the models used by The Believers, who do not expect a certain outcome in their experiments, but demand and make those outcomes appear in their experiments. But, just a few days earlier
But in the warming world of the 21st Century, waves could be riding oceans that will rise anywhere from 0.5 meters (19 inches) to 1.4 meters (55 inches), and researchers believe there’s a good chance they will stir stronger feelings than melancholia.
Oh noes!!!! Of course, that is presupposing that that mularkey will actually occur. The sediments do not show that really having happened during the Medieval Warm Period, which science is showing to have been warmer then it is now, and most think the sea rise could be no more then six inches. Anyhow, this stuff happens all the time because of what natural forces do. Did you know that the Mediterranean was almost completely gone just a few million years ago? And has dried up multiple times? That elephant bones have been found at the bottom? I’m not going to give you the lecture, if you are interested, y’all know how to Google. Here is one interesting article.
Anyhow, there is a reason I call them climahysterics. 19 to 55 reasons.