Like many, I usually like to avoid regular posting on holidays, but, I made the mistake of looking at the New York Times on my Blackjack II, and one thing led to another, so thoughts of these stories must be expunged through hung over (and potentialy getting a cold) thoughts!
First up, Linda Chavez doesn’t get it
Republicans are finally worried that their failure to attract Hispanic voters in this year’s election spells trouble – perhaps for decades. But they’re not sure what to do about it.
Moderates in the party are pushing for more efforts at “inclusion,” which usually means elevating a few Hispanics to symbolic but visible positions in national, state and local politics. But with no Cabinet positions to hand out and so few prominent Hispanic elected officials to promote within their ranks, Republicans clearly won’t gain much leverage with this strategy.
Some conservative Republicans, on the other hand, are either in denial or think they can control the problem by limiting the growth in the Hispanic immigrant population. (Just ask the 14 out of 16 hard-line, anti-immigration Republicans who lost their seats this time around to pro-comprehensive reform Democrats how well this worked at the polls.)
But even if hard-liners succeeded in stopping illegal immigration and dramatically reducing the number of Hispanic immigrants admitted legally, it wouldn’t solve the simple demographic fact that U.S.-born Hispanics have higher fertility rates than whites or blacks. Hispanics will become a larger share of the population for the foreseeable future, though intermarriage rates will likely diminish their ethnic identification over time.
Linda, honey? I do not want to patronize you too much, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, but, you’re a moron. How many times must it be explained that the debate was never over legal immigration, except in terms of fixing a broke system, keeping track of those who are here on visas (1/3 of all illegals came on legal visas) and requiring people who live here to learn English? The argument was over illegal immigration, not stopping legal Hispanics, who are mostly here on work visas. Grow up Linda! Better yet, hit the turkey up early so you can get some well earned rest. Can you remember which Party had the first Hispanic AG, Linda? That’s right, the Republicans! And the Democrats demonized him.
Next on the agenda, the NY Times doesn’t get it
They came wearing black hoods, firing automatic weapons and throwing grenades. They took hostages and attacked two hotels, a movie theater, a café, a train station and other popular and undefended “soft targets.â€
Who are they? The answer to that question remained in dispute Thursday as security officials and experts attempted to untangle the few clues as to the attackers’ likely identity.
Some global terrorism experts with experience in South Asia said that, based on the tactics used in the attacks, the group was probably not linked to Al Qaeda — although that assertion was challenged by other experts.
It is an interesting debate, but, does it really matter if it was AQ or not? No, it doesn’t matter, because Islamic terrorism is about more then al Qaeda. It is about a religion teaching extremism, or, as it is really known, teaching the word of the Koran as it is written. Things like “convert, be a dhimmi, or die.” The Left likes to focus solely on AQ (as well as what we in America and the western world did to make them mad), but there is much more to it then one group. And many of them think of Islamic terrorism as nothing more then a normal story. They rarely get worked up over it. They were incensed by the slur Zawahiri called Barry, but, what they did (and are still doing)Â in India? Eh. Nothing to get worked up over. Might as well be writing about the weather.
And finally, these folks do get it
Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, will enjoy a feast of fresh turkey with all the fixings this Thanksgiving holiday.
Feasts for our soldiers will be going on all over Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places our troops are stationed. God Bless them all!
Oh, a PS: would anyone care for a heart attack for Thanksgiving? If so, here is your bird.