Or, is that taking the Christ out of Christmas?
Threat of ACLU lawsuit means no cross in Pontchatula
The huge cross near Ponchatoula’s downtown locomotive won’t be covered with blazing white bulbs for this year’s Christmas Lights Festival.
Instead, a second bar has been added to display banners advertising citywide events.
The cross was highly noticeable last year. But the American Civil Liberties Union said it would sue if the cross was lit up again for the this year’s Christmas Festival.
Mayor Bob Zabbia said city officials don’t agree with the ACLU but realized that they probably would not win, and lawsuits are costly.
And, said Zabbia, “The law is the law. It doesn’t make sense to fight something you’re not going to win.”
Thanks, ACLU! Doing away with the reason for the season one threat of lawsuit at a time.

Toby Keith has a remedy for the War on Christmas…