Happy Sunday! Mother Nature is supplying plenty of needed rain to our wonderful country. This pinup is by, obviously, Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help. Haven’t used many of his pinups before.
What is happening in ye olde blogosphere?
- Â A naughty Gilligan’s Island? As in an adult movie GI? Yup. Adeline and Hazel have the story (yes, both links are the same. Gotta do it for Google ranking :))
- One of my favorite ladies on the Interwebz, Little Miss Attila, has moved: new address is here. She tells us what government is doing with our money.
- Which led to this article at XRLQ, who discusses paranoid gun owners
- Moonbattery discusses liberal niceness
- Kender (Stop The ACLU) tells us what the Mumbai killers wanted to do with their last breath
- Over at This ain’t Hell…., we find out about anti-war clowns and the cold fish of reality
- John Goetz, posting at Watts Up With That?, discusses the dead being used to fight AGW.
- At snapped shot, it’s wabbit season. Duck season! Wabbit season!
- Jammie Wearing Fool brings us the lates Al Gore/Live Earth surrender
- The American Princesses pirates fantasies have been dashed. Sigh.
- Alan Colmes expects conservatives to laud Bush because we haven’t had an attack on US soil since 9/11…..we haven’t? He’s kept us safe?
- Wizbang has new terms of use
- Cao has a note to a clueless moonbat
- Weasel Zippers catches crazies at the Pakistan Daily, which seems to resemble the Democratic Underground
- And last, but not least, MsUnderestimated shows everyone their invitation
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet?

I hang her stockings on my chimney Blackbeard for Santa to stuff matey! Thought of you yesterday when driving home from our second home (past Rock Ridge on I-95 North) in red state SC yesterday. Our NY GIANTS were smashing the Washington DCCCP Redskins in Barackshevik Stadium. ‘Tis the season sir! The Lincolns and $UV$ that passed us had Obama bumper stickers on them. Do poor socialists drive these house payments, or were they stolen?
Tina Fey Does Vanity Fair…
Tina Fey graces the cover of the Vanity Fair January 2009 issue. Check out the photos below.
Tina Fey
It seems like we’ve heard more about Tina Fey in the last few months than ever before. She’s got her hit show 30 Rock and then there are …