James Earl Jones/Darth Vader voice over “This..is endangering your life news” As reported in the Wales Online
A SOUTH Wales couple caught in the Mumbai terror attacks claimed last night that CNN put their lives at risk by broadcasting where they were.
Lynne and Kenneth Shaw, of Penarth, warned that terrorists were listening in to the media to pinpoint Western victims. Mrs Shaw claimed the American cable TV channel had broadcast details of where they were at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.
She has appealed to the media to be careful with the information it broadcasts because safety could be compromised and lives lost.
The couple flew back into Heathrow yesterday morning on a flight arranged by the British Consulate. Mrs Shaw had been forced to hide under a table as terrorists stormed the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. She and her husband were later rescued by Gurkhas and taken straight to the Australian Embassy for safety.
The couple were at the end of a month-long visit to India and were staying in Mumbai for a few days before heading back to the UK. From her home in Penarth yesterday, Mrs Shaw said: “We have been asked by the British terror police not to talk to the press.
“But the reason I would not want to talk to anyone is because our safety was actually compromised by CNN, which broadcast where we were.
“The terrorists were watching CNN and they came down from where they were in a lift after hearing about us on television. For that reason I would appeal to the media to be very careful about what they broadcast.
“Search the hotel for survivors, I want them brought to me. Alive, dead, whatever.”
Michelle Malkin: Fox reports, you decide. CNN reports. You pray for your life.
Noel Sheppard wants to give CNN the benefit of the doubt, due to the network having lots of employees there.
Brutally Honest: Safety compromised, lives potentially lost… a small price to pay for ratings.
Don Surber: I used to think that in a battle, news reporters did not tip off the enemy. Now I know better.

i hope this dont start the War of the worlds
I learned very quickly to hate CNN while serving in the Gulf War. Saddam would fire a SCUD into Saudi Arabia and CNN would then broadcast its coordinates. The next one would be that much closer. I view CNN reporters as enemy combatants.