Andrew Sullivan goes on vacation and leaves an adult in charge of his blog: In Defense Of Sarah Palin (Patrick Appel)
The easiest way to disprove these conspiracy theories is to consider what would be required for them to be true. Palin’s doctor, along with a good number of Mat-Su Regional’s doctors, nurses, and administrators would need to be in on the cover-up. On multiple occasions Palin would have had to pad her belly to make herself look pregnant. She would have needed to get friends to lie about seeing her breast feed. She would have had to silence an entire community – including two 17-year-olds and their friends – while the national media and the National Enquirer snooped around. Implausible to say the least.
I don’t believe Sarah Palin is capable of pulling off such a cover-up. And, like Alex Massie and John Schwenkler, I don’t understand what is being accomplished by continued investigation.
There is no telling what Andrew gets out of it, other then traffic coming over to see what completely unhinged thing he has written, but, considering that Sully has a link from Drudge, I think it is just because Sully has gone mental. Period.
This is followed up by not one, not two, not three, not four, but five posts, the last one by another guest poster, Chris Bodenner, who is defending Patrick. Sheesh, I just gave Sullivan 6 freakin’ links, and the SOB doesn’t even have trackbacks turned on.
Expect Milky Loads to bring this up when he is back from his sabbatical, vacation, visit to a shrink, whatever.
Sister Toldjah:  Wouldn’t it be nice if we saw more Appel and less Sullivan on the pages of the Atlantic in the coming months?
H/T Michelle Malkin: Andrew Sullivan’s staffer: Yes, my boss is deranged